About Us

At SARU, we are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of women, children, and refugees. Our organization is driven by a deep commitment to protect, and uplift those who are most vulnerable and to empower them socially and politically to become peace builders and decision makers in their societies. We understand the unique challenges faced by refugees, particularly in the context of conflict, displacement, and social marginalization.
About Us

How it all started

Saru launched its activities in April 2018 as an initiative, through a group of friends and volunteers, driven by their humanitarian commitment to make positive changes in the lives of displaced people and refugees. We worked in the Bekaa Valley camps in Lebanon and implemented several interactive theatrical activities and dialogue sessions through which we saw the needs and problems that children, adolescents and women suffer from.

With the support of the international singer Dave Matthews, we worked with vulnerable children who suffer from domestic violence (physical and verbal) and we conducted awareness sessions with women on how to deal with their children away from violence

Then with the American organization (Peace Appeal Foundation) partnership we worked on protecting minors in early marriage. This phenomenon is constantly increasing, especially after the economic collapse that Lebanon is experiencing today.

Registered in Lebanon in 2021, SARU is a non‐governmental and non‐profit organization that works to empower and support civil societies through the establishment of psychological, cultural and educational support workshops for children and youth, developing their talents, empowering vulnerable women professionally and socially to be active and leading figures in their societies, and encouraging a culture of volunteerism.

About SARU

i. A community free of childhood violence and with equal opportunities

ii. Women active and leaders in their societies.

Our mission is to promote humanitarian principles for the good and wellbeing of refugees and people in need. Through our activities and projects, we target women, men, youth and children with the aim to empower the most vulnerable and to leave no one behind.

Working and collaborating with relevant authorities on:

1- Empowering women socially, professionally and intellectually

2- Educate children and women about their rights in accordance with the Universal Declaration of human rights and support them to be able to defend them.

3- Empowering children and contributing to the development of their emotional and social competencies.

4- Creating conditions for the child that enable him to discover himself and develop his talents.

5- Contribute to the implementation of development projects, support families in the poorest areas, and support small projects.

6- Contribute to raising health awareness among the target groups.

7- Introducing the concepts of peace building and conflict resolution.

8- Work on raising awareness and legal support for marginalized groups.