Active Women in their Societies

Childhood free of Violence

At SARU, we are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of women, children, and refugees. Our organization is driven by a deep commitment to protect, and uplift those who are most vulnerable and to empower them socially and politically to become peace builders and decision makers in their societies. We understand the unique challenges faced by refugees, particularly in the context of conflict, displacement, and social marginalization.

our mission

Our mission is simple yet powerful: To provide comprehensive support (political, economic and social) to women and providing supporting environments and protection for children. We believe in creating a safe and inclusive environment where women and children can flourish, ensuring their rights, well-being, and empowerment are at the forefront of our work. SARU recognizes the importance of community engagement, collaborating with stakeholders to create sustainable solutions and promote a culture of equality and inclusion. Through our mission, SARU aims to create lasting positive change, empowering children and women to lead lives of dignity, independence, and fulfillment.


"Women on Board" a project in partnership with EuroMed Feminist Initiative emphasizes and promotes women's engagement in social and political decision-making through working with communities in order to increase women's presence and role.

Partners and Donors

Your contribution was indispensable to our success.


Interactive Theater