Crochet Craft

With the support and donation of the international singer Dave Matthews, SARU implemented “Crochet Craft” project aimed to provide 40 boys and girls at refugee camps in Al Bekaa, Lebanon with the opportunity to engage in the art of crochet. By teaching this craft, the project sought to promote skill development, creativity, and emotional well-being among the children. Through crochet, the project empowered boys and girls, fostered their self-expression, and provided a productive and enjoyable activity that has therapeutic beneficial.

Boys and girls gained a sense of empowerment through mastering a craft traditionally associated with women. They challenged gender stereotypes and developed self-confidence.


SARU encouraged 40 boys and girls to express their creativity through crochet. For six months two crochet tutors volunteers offered opportunities for children to design and create their own crochet items, allowing them to personalize their creations and showcase their unique styles.

Emotional Well-being

Crochet activity had a calming and therapeutic effect, it helped reduce stress, anxiety, and trauma-related symptoms among children in the refugee camps. SARU with Dave Matthews fund support created a supportive and safe environment where participants felt relaxed, focused on their crochet projects, and experienced a sense of accomplishment.

The crochet training provided participants with a valuable skill that can contribute to their personal growth and potential future opportunities.